Congratulations on your purchase of the Word-Digging Notepad! Please watch the video below for a breakdown of how to use it. Or (if you’re the reading type, like me), scroll down to read a transcript of the video and see how to use each section!
[ Video Transcript ]
Hello friend! I am absolutely thrilled that you are here, you have the Word-Digging notepad in your hands, and you are both ready and eager to dig down deeper into the word definitions of the Bible! I created this notepad to streamline my daily routine of looking up word definitions in my morning digging, and to organize the notes that were quickly clogging up my prayer journals. The notepad was designed to be used in tandem with the Blue Letter Bible website or their app, so make sure to either bookmark the page or download the app onto your phone before you get started. When you’re ready, here is a breakdown of how to use the notepad alongside your study:
1. Verse Reference:
Use this line to write the reference to the verse you are studying.
2. Study Number:
This is an easy way to see where you are in the order of the words that make up your verse at a quick glance. Since the average verse contains about 25 words, you will be using multiple pages per verse, and can number each page in order for easy organizing, storage, and future reference. So, for example, if I’m studying Psalm 84:6, “as they pass” would be study #1, “through the valley” would be study #2, and “of Baca” would be study #3.
3. Write It:
This is the space to write the full verse that uses the word you are digging into. Studies have overwhelmingly shown the power of writing things in your own handwriting. Not only does it help us to better absorb information, it also helps us to memorize and recall that same information in the future. Re-writing the same verse for every word definition you explore will help you slow down in your study while supporting a natural memorization of the verse without having to work too hard for it.
4. Word or Phrase:
Write the English rendering of the word or phrase you are studying here. Since translations offer varying renderings across the board, I write the English word in the default KJV as shown on Blue Letter Bible.
5. Transliteration:
The transliteration is the word transferred from the alphabet of its original language into the English alphabet. Writing the transliteration of the word helps you to easily learn and recognize Greek and Hebrew words when you aren’t otherwise familiar with the languages or its characters.
6. Is the word a verb?
You can find the type of speech the word or phrase is in the parsing code. If the word or phrase is in the Old Testament and it’s a verb, you want to take note of the stem by opening the parsing code button. Then, tap the Strong’s number (ex: H5674) to open the lexicon.
7. Is there a root word?
A word’s root word or etymology has to do with its origin and development and can be incredibly helpful in drawing a full and rich meaning of both the word you are studying and the passage in which it is contained. If there is a root word for the word or phrase you are studying, it will be included in the lexicon under the “Root Word (Etymology)” section.
8. Strong’s definition highlights:
There are likely going to be a variety of word usages and definitions in this section of the lexicon. You can write the most pertinent and applicable ones for your verse here, or anything that catches your attention at first glance.
9. Is your verse referenced in the lexicon(s)?
The answer to this question is often yes, but that’s not always the case. Take a quick scan through the lexicon for the reference to the verse you are studying.
10. Other words or phrases that caught your eye in the lexicon listing:
After you have looked for your verse’s reference, go back and read through the full lexicon listing and note the definitions that pique your interest or pull at you to dig deeper.
11. Cross-references:
Take a look at other verses that use this same word. They will often give you further insight into and better explanation of the verse or passage you are studying.
That about covers it! Do you have any additional questions about how to use the Word-Digging Notepad? Leave them below so I can help and encourage you! Happy digging!