When those waves and billows come crashing, roll with them and then remember: they ain’t got nothin’ on His mercy.
If you’re trying to shift your weight off of the teacher-dependency and onto your own literacy heels, this is your morning rhythm:
1. Read your plan.
2. Follow the cross-references.
3. Dig into the linguistics.
4. Compare your notes with a trusted commentary to both check your study-posture and find any nuggets of truth you might have missed.
Rinse and repeat daily.
Not quite as far along on that reading plan as you thought you would be just a handful of weeks into the new year?
It’s okay. Slow down. Give yourself a break. Scratch off the dates next to those passages. As long as you are reading SOMETHING every day, you are right where you need to be.
Need a ready-mad UNdated reading plan to take some stress out of your life? Comment “plan” and I’ll send you the link to grab one I’ve made for this exact purpose!
Hey, in case nobody has told you, it’s okay to say “No” to the over-saturation of biblical content.
It’s okay to NOT buy the book, to SKIP the study. It’s okay to IGNORE the commentary and DELETE the reading plans app.
It’s okay to turn down the noise so you can turn up the volume on God’s voice. Start with this simple morning formula:
1. Read a section of Scripture (If you need some structure, comment “plan” and I’ll send you the link to my sign up for me free undated reading plan!)
2. Follow the cross-references to let the Bible explain itself first (the ones in your Bible’s margins are perfect! Otherwise tsk-online.com is a great FREE resource)
3. Dig into the word definitions using the @blueletterbible app. Just search for your verse, tap it, hit “Interlinear/Concordance” then the Strong’s number in the middle column of whichever word you are curious about. Easy peasy.
Here’s to more emphasis on the biblical text itself and less dependency on the teachers to explain it for you!
This is quite possibly one of the most tender pieces of writing I’ve shared. It’s not something I talk about a lot (at least publicly) because part of it is my story to tell, and part of it is his.
I’ve tracked the moon phase for four years. It was only about six months ago that I realized that during my son’s most predictably hardest days - the ones that have found me most often crying, thinking that God must have picked the wrong mother for him because I cannot figure this puzzle out - THOSE are the days when He instituted a habit of worship.
When I realized it, I bawled.
I know that I’m not the only mother to an incredibly gifted neurodivergent child, feeling like she’s feeling her way through in the dark. I need you to know, too: there is power in the moon phase. And God designed it that way from the very beginning.
This post is just scratching the surface of everything I’ve learned about what God has to say about this. To read the full post on my blog, comment “moon” and I’ll DM you the link! Otherwise, go to janejohnson.com/blog and search “moon phase”