Word-Digging Notepad

a quiet time companion


Word-Digging Notepad

A quiet time companion


Bring your Scripture study to life with this easy-to-use notepad for effortless digging into the original languages of biblical words. The notepad features sections to write the full Bible verse you are studying, parsing and root word notations, lexicon definitions, cross-references, and more!


The notepad also comes with a unique QR code that walks you through Jane's proven process of word-digging using the Blue Letter Bible software to uncover the most accurate definition of a word in the context of the passage you are studying.

Product Details

• 8.5 x 11 inches
• 50 double-sided printed pages
• Crisp white text paper
• Grey ink
• Foil stamped title on front side
• 3-hole punched
• Left-edge gum binding
• Imported

Bring your Scripture study to life with this easy-to-use Inductive Bible Study tool notepad for effortless digging into the original languages of biblical words. Features sections to write the full verse you are studying, parsing and root word notations, lexicon definitions, cross-references, and more! Learn Greek and Hebrew word definitions and learn how to study the Bible accurately.
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Some things you might be wondering:

What is the notepad?

The Word-Digging Notepad is a Bible study tool that helps you define, break down, and understand Biblical words and phrases in their original languages.


Why should I use it?

We are firm believers that the power of quiet time lightbulb moments lies first and foremost in the word definitions and that, alone, is worthy of your time and attention, and a custom tool created exclusively for studying them.


How do I use it?

The notepad comes with a unique QR code that walks you through Jane's proven process of word-digging to uncover the most accurate definition of a word in the context of the passage you are studying. And the best part? You don’t have to know how to look up biblical word definitions before you start using it! All you need is a hunger to know God’s Word more deeply and a willingness to start Scripture-digging on your own.